Wednesday 30 March 2011

Shot list for my magazine

This is the shot list for my magazine. I chose different types shots using certain equiptments and places to match with the colours and theme of my hip hop magazine.

Purpose of shot
Feature of shot
Type of shot
Mise-en-scene e.g. costume, lighting, setting, facial expression
Equipment needed
Details of shot
Front cover
Nazir looking at an angle of gaze, pointing at the camera.
Medium shot
In a room looking at camera, neutral facial expression, wearing hip hop like clothes such as a vest top.   
Camera and  a chair
In Norbury at 11:00
Contents Page
Nazir standing against a wall looking and pointing at the camera.
Long shot
Leaning against the wall in an alley way, wearing baggy jeans and black vest top to go with theme of my magazine.
In Norbury at 11:00
Double Page Spread
Nazir sitting professionally on a chair to show he takes his career seriously.
Mid long shot
In a room, sitting on a red chair. I chose the colour red to match with the colour of my theme
Camera and a red chair
In Norbury at 11:00

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