Sunday 30 January 2011

Market Research Evaluation

I decided to make a questionnaire as part of my market research to see other peoples views on magazines, also helping myself later on in the project when I make my own magazine, I will find it easier designing it depending on how my target audience would like it to look like.

I asked four males and six females when doing this questionnaire, most of them in the age range of 16-21. Whilst doing this questionnaire, I found out that most of the people that I asked brought magazines on a weekly basis. I also realized that most of them listen to Hip hop as a music choice, which I found interesting because it is the music genre that I have chosen to make a magazine on. 
I am not too sure on what colours to use throughout my magazine, but after this questionnaire, I have a better idea. Most people were quite fond of the colours Red and black and also chose other as their option, whereas not many people were too keen on the other colours such as pink, blue, purple, orange or yellow. 
Another question I asked people was what kind of magazines they like to buy. I found this one of the most important questions on the questionnaire because it shows how many people buy music magazines which is one of the main reasons that I have done this questionnaire.  Unfortunately, most of the people who answered my questionnaire said they they like to celebrity gossip magazines but 20% of them did say they buy music magazines. Another 20% said they buy TV Drama magazines which leaves films with only 10% of the votes, and other also with 10%.
None of the people who answered my questionnaire spend more than £5 on a magazine. 60% of them spend around £1-£2 and 40% of them spend £3-£4. Most of them like to read articles and see posters in the magazine that they buy, some like to read interviews. One person that answered my questionnaire likes to read reviews and one person chose other. 

Overall I find these answers quite interesting and I am happy with results that I have got back. 

Market Research Review

1. What gender are you?
Male         (4/10)
Female     (6/10)

2. What age group are you?
10-15       (2/10)
16-21       (8/10)
22+          (0/10)

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Rolling Stone Magazine

As part of our media magazine project we were given a task to create a powerpoint presentation about a music magazine that was chosen for us with a partner. The magazine that I did a presentation on is an American based magazine called Rolling Stone which also has international editions in many other countries such as such as Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Spain, Turkey and more. 
Rolling Stone Magazine was founded in 1967 by Jann Wenner which is still the magazine's owner, editor and publisher and Ralph J. Gleason. Rolling Stone magazine has a huge popularity. Each issue reaches 1.5 million people and has the average of 228,469 copies per issue. It targets adults aged 18+ and when researching this magazine, I found out that most of the readers were young men aged around 20, most of which that are single and have kids in the household. 
Rolling Stone has improved MASSIVELY over the years. Around 44 years ago, Rolling Stone used to look more like a newspaper but nowadays, due to softwares such as photoshop, it looks more like a typical magazine look with better quality images which have been edited and airbrushed. Each front cover of Rolling Stone usually has one big image of a celebrity (mainly singers) which usually covers some parts of the title which has the same font and colour in every issue. 
Rolling Stone also has an online version of the magazine which shows news, reviews, channels and blogs although they do not put too much on there as much as they would in the actual magazine because they want people to buy it instead of reading it online for free. To check out Rolling Stone magazine just go to the following link: 

View more presentations from Kizhan.